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Naha Paulus atawa panulis Alkitab séjén ngaruksak Injil?

Bahaya sateuacan urang nyaéta yén urang naroskeun ieu kalayan jawaban anu deet parantos aya dina pikiran urang. “Tangtosna, Paul atanapi salah sahiji batur ngaruksak éta”, urang gancang ngajawab tanpa mikir, lolobana sabab ieu ngan saukur naon urang geus uninga. Atawa, urang bisa mikir, “Tangtu henteu! Naon ide anu konyol”, deui tanpa terang kunaon tapi biasana kusabab urang diajarkeun ku cara éta. Ieu bahaya pikeun sadaya jalma anu naroskeun patarosan ngeunaan Kitab Suci. Urang ngilangkeun éta langsung (kusabab kumaha urang diajar mikir). Alternatipna, urang ngilangkeun patarosan. Ku kituna hayu urang pikir taliti ngaliwatan ieu.

Panulis Perjanjian Anyar lian ti Paul

Hayu urang mimitian ku panulis sajaba ti Paul. Ieu murid-murid Isa (AS) – para sahabatna. Aranjeunna nuturkeun anjeunna, ngadangukeun anjeunna, sareng ngabahas sareng anjeunna. Aranjeunna niténan hal-hal anu anjeunna laksanakeun sareng nyarios, boh sacara pribadi sareng di tempat umum. Sababaraha di antarana, sapertos John, Matthew sareng Peter mangrupikeun bagian tina bunderan jero 12 pengikut Isa anu pangdeukeutna. Aranjeunna nyerat dalapan buku dina Perjanjian Anyar. Anu sanésna, sapertos Mark, kalebet kalangan pengikutna anu langkung lega. Pangarang sésana (di luar Paul) nyaéta dulur-dulurna Yakobus sareng Yudas. Aranjeunna digedékeun sareng Isa (AS). Yakobus janten pamimpin murid-murid di Yerusalem saatosna Isa (PBUH) ti dunya ieu.

Tulisan sajarah Yahudi abad ka-1 Masehi sabenerna nyebutkeun Yakobus. Dina abad éta aya sejarawan militér Yahudi anu hébat, Josephus, anu nyerat sababaraha buku sajarah. Dina salah sahiji bukuna, nulis ngeunaan kajadian di Yérusalém dina taun 62 M (32 taun sanggeus pupusna Isa) manéhna nulis sasama urang Yahudi anu martir Yakobus, lanceukna Isa. Baca di dieu kumaha anjeunna nempatkeun éta:

“Ananus [Imam Agung] buru-buru nuturkeun urang Saduki, anu henteu ati-ati nalika aranjeunna calik dina pangadilan. Ananus ngira yén Festus maot sareng Albinus masih di jalan, anjeunna bakal ngagaduhan kasempetan. Ngangkat hakim-hakim Sanhedrin [déwan pamaréntahan Yahudi] anjeunna ngajukeun saurang lalaki anu namina Yakobus, lanceukna Yesus anu disebut Kristus , sareng anu sanésna. Anjeunna nuduh aranjeunna parantos ngalanggar hukum, sareng ngahukum aranjeunna dirajam dugi ka maot”Josephus. 93 CE. Baheula xx 197

Yosefus ngajelaskeun yén dina taun 62 M, para pangawasa Romawi kakara ngajadikeun Ananus jadi Imam Agung di Yérusalém. Kabingungan pulitik dituturkeun. Ananus ngagunakeun kasempetan pikeun ngahukum James pati. Bapana (disebut oge Ananus) geus dihukum pati Isa (AS) kira-kira 30 taun saméméh. Ananus putra gancang nyandak kasempetan pikeun lakonan hal nu sarua jeung James. Ku kituna Yakobus jadi udagan pikeun mangtaun-taun mingpin pengikut Isa al Masih (AS) lanceukna.

Naon anu dicarioskeun ku Qur’an ngeunaan murid-murid Isa (AS) ieu?

Lalaki ieu nulis buku dina Perjanjian Anyar (lian ti buku Paul). Pikeun nangtoskeun naha aranjeunna ngarusak Injil, urang tiasa mimiti ningali sudut pandang anu dipasihkeun dina Qur’an. Tilik ayat di handap ieu:

Nalika Isa manggih Kakafiran di pihak maranéhna, Anjeunna ngadawuh: “Saha nu bakal nulungan kuring pikeun (karya) Allah?” Murid-murid ngadawuh : “Kami teh penolong-penolong Allah, Kami iman ka Allah, jeung maneh nyaksian yen kami teh umat Islam. Gusti kami! Kami yakin kana naon anu geus diturunkeun ku Anjeun, sarta kami nuturkeun Rosul; teras tuliskeun kami di antara jalma-jalma anu nyaksian .”Surat 3:52-53 – Ali Imran

Jeung saenyana Kami mere ilham ka murid-murid supaya iman ka Kami jeung ka Rosul Kami (Isa): “Kami geus iman, jeung anjeun nyaksian yen kami sujud ka Allah salaku Muslim.Surat 5:111 – Méja Sumebarna

Ayat ieu nyarioskeun ka urang kalayan jelas yén murid-murid Isa (Yesus – PBUH) nyaéta:

  1. Pembantu Isa al Masih,
  2. Penolong Alloh,
  3. jeung diilhamkeun ku Alloh sangkan iman ka Isa al Masih.

Murid-murid ieu kalebet Mateus, Petrus sareng Yohanes. Aranjeunna nyerat dalapan buku dina Perjanjian Anyar, dua di antarana nyaéta injil (Injil Mateus sareng Yohanes). Jeung Mark, murid di bunderan lega, wrote injil katilu. Lamun hiji jalma percaya kana Al Qur’an mangka hiji oge tangtu kudu narima tulisan murid-murid ieu. Para panulis ieu pasti moal tiasa ngaruksak Injil. Nalika urang diajar injil anu ditulis urang maca tulisan murid-murid, anu ditegeskeun ku Qur’an. Paul teu nulis sagala rekening Injil. Malahan manéhna nulis surat-surat suci.

Ku kituna urang manggihan, naha tina sumber sajarah sekuler atawa tina Qur’an, alesan logis mun narima buku Perjanjian Anyar nu lain Paul.

Nyaksian Isa (AS): Taurat sareng Zabur mangrupikeun patokan anu munggaran

Tapi kumaha upami Isa al Masih sorangan? Naon anu anjeunna masihan salaku kasaksian anu urang kedah nampi? Perhatikeun dimana anjeunna banding pikeun saksi anu leres sareng henteu rusak pikeun dirina sareng pesenna.

25Lahiran Yesus, ”Ari maraneh ku barelet, seuseut rek percaya kana sagala kasauran nabi-nabi teh! 26Ari Kristus teh lain geus mistina nandangan eta sakabeh panganiayaan pikeun jalan kana kamulyaana-Na?” 27Ti dinya Anjeunna nerangkeun ka maranehna sagala anu dituliskeun dina Kitab Suci hal salira-Na, ti kitab-kitab Musa nepi ka kitab-kitab para nabi.

Lukas 24:25-27

44Anjeunna ngalahir deui, ”Hal-hal ieu bareto ku Kami geus diomongkeun ka maraneh waktu urang reureujeungan keneh; ceuk Kami harita, sagala rupa anu geus ditulis ngeunaan diri Kami dina Kitab Hukum Musa, dina Kitab Nabi-nabi jeung dina Kitab Jabur, kudu kajadian.” 45Ti dinya Anjeunna mukakeun pikiran maranehanana supaya ngalarti kana Kitab Suci.

Lukas 24:44-45

46Lamun enya ge aranjeun percaya kana pilahir Musa tangtu percaya ka Kaula, sabab anu diserat ku Musa teh pertelaan hal Kaula. 47Tapi ku sabab aranjeun teu percaya ka anu dipertelakeun ku Musa, rek percaya ka Kaula kumaha?”

Yohanes 5:46-47

Isa (SAW) nyalira nyauran Musa (Taurat), teras para Nabi sareng Zabur (Zabur) pikeun ngajelaskeun peran Masih. Ieu naha urang mimitian ku Taurat. Dina Tanda Adam , Qabil jeung Habil , Nuh , Luth , Ibrahim 1 , 2 , jeung 3 ayat-ayat kabeh asalna tina Taurat jeung Qur’an.

Urang tetep dina taneuh aman lamun urang mimitian ku Taurat – Isa (PBUH) sorangan ngawartoskeun kami. Di dieu urang diajar Tanda-tanda anu bakal ngabantosan pikeun muka konci misteri Injil. Teras urang bakal nyandak naon anu urang pelajari sareng ngabandingkeunana sareng tulisan-tulisan dulur-dulur sareng murid-murid Isa.

Mertimbangkeun Paul

Sareng kumaha tulisan Paulus? Naon anu urang lakukeun ku aranjeunna? Saparantos urang diajar Taurat sareng Zabur sareng diajar tanda-tanda yén Allah parantos ngutus ka urang, teras nalika urang diajar kitab-kitab murid-murid sareng sadulur-saderek Isa (AS) urang cekap terang, sahingga upami urang angkat ka Paulus, urang bakal perhatikeun lamun naon anu ditulisna béda jeung anu geus urang pelajari. Tanpa pangaweruh kasang tukang ieu ngeunaan ‘buku aman’ pikeun nginpokeun ka urang, mustahil pikeun urang leres-leres terang naha tulisan Paulus rusak atanapi henteu. Tapi pikeun tetep milarian dina tempat anu aman, urang moal ngamimitian ku Paul sabab kredensialna henteu diragukeun.

Tapi Isa al Masih némbongan ka Paulus jeung nugaskeun manéhna pikeun ngajelaskeun Injil ka urang non-Yahudi. Ieu dicaritakeun di dieu . Waktu éta, kabéh urang non-Yahudi téh nyembah brahala. Jadi, Paulus ngajelaskeun Injil ku cara anu henteu ku rasul-rasul séjén. Rasul-rasul séjénna, kawas Pétrus, ngaku yén tulisan-tulisanna téh hésé kaharti, tapi tetep mangrupa kitab suci. Peter nyebutkeun:

5Kasabaran Pangeran teh saenyana maparin tempo supaya aranjeun salamet sakumaha saur Paulus dulur sim kuring dina suratna ka aranjeun. Paulus nyaurkeun kitu teh ku karana hikmah ti Allah. 16Unggal nyuratan anjeunna tara luput nyaurkeun eta hal. Dina surat-suratna teh aya sababaraha hal anu hese kahartina. Nu sambewara jeung imanna loncer mah ngahartikeunana teh mengkol, da bagian-bagian sejenna deui tina Kitab Suci oge sok dipengkolkeun, matak niwaskeun sorangan.

2 Petrus 3:15-16

Dimimitian tina naon anu urang terang nyaéta Uncorrupted

Paul teu ngarobah atawa ngaruksak injil. Tulisanna ditarima. Tapi pikeun ngahindarkeun kontrovérsi, urang mimitian ti tulisan-tulisan anu teu tiasa dibantah (Taurat sareng Zabur). Teras we nuturkeun opat injil , anu ditulis ku para sahabat Isa al Masih (AS). Urang bisa diajar loba pisan tina buku-buku ieu nu keur kaperluan urang teu merlukeun tulisan Paulus.

3 thoughts on “Naha Paulus atawa panulis Alkitab séjén ngaruksak Injil?”

  1. Paul greater then Jesus and Moses ?
    After Jesus returned to Heaven, the Rich and Powerful Paul claimed to have spoken to Jesus and then added to much of the later part of the GOspel we have today

    Although we see from Paul’s writings, that he often differs from the Teachings of Moses and Jesus, and seems to have a hidden Motive for adding to the Gospel

    Paul said:
    “but to others I say, yes, I, not the lord….”(1 corin 7:12)

    luke said:
    “I resolved also… to WRITE…” (luke 1:1,4)

    Paul said:
    “now concerning…I have NO command from the lord, but I give MY opinion…” (1 corin 7:25)

    Paul said:
    ” therefore I think…” (I corin 7:26)

    Paul said:
    “…. According to MY opinion..”(1 corin 7:40)

    Paul said:
    ” I certainly THINK…” (1 corin 7:40)

    Paul said:
    ” see! I, PAUL, am telling you….”(galat 5:2)

    ‘Paul’ did not preach according to Christ but instead according to himself and his own opions.

    This will help us to distinct from Jesus himself and the man ‘Paul’

    It is all over the Bible that ‘Paul’ preached according to his own gospel, and Not the Gospel of Jesus.

    For example;

    “Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, of the seed of David, according to my gospel:” 2 Timothy 2:8

    Did God create ‘Paul’ from a miraculous birth? Were the Wise men expecting ‘Paul’, was ‘Paul’ one of the original disciples? Did ‘Paul’ ever see Jesus in the Flesh? No No No and No.

    Have you ever found it odd that after Jesus spent all that time with His Disciples, his own Brothers and Friends who he Trusted and they grew to understant his mission and Parables, did you find it odd that Jesus would return unexpectedly and speak to ‘Paul’ and tell ‘Paul’ to tell everyone that the ‘Law of Moses is a Curse’?

    As a matter of fact, his purpose for makeing his own Gospel was that he could remove works to convert more gentiles, ‘Paul’ says;

    “What then is my reward? That, when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel without charge, so as not to use to the full my right in the gospel.” 1 Corinthians 9:18

    The current Translations say a “without charge” in Greek it says “adapanos”, this word is only used one time in the entire Gospel and could mean “Free from Works”

    This Meaning is confirmed in the very next verses that Paul removed the Laws to convert more gentiles;

    “For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, that I might win the more.” 1 Corinthians 9:19

    “To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews; to those under the law I became as one under the law–though not being myself under the law–that I might win those under the law. 9:20

    “To those outside the law I became as one outside the law–not being without law toward God but under the law of Christ–that I might win those outside the law.”

    If any one is familiar with the Gospel, they would know there is no such thing as the ‘Law of Christ’ according to Jesus himself;

    “He that loveth me not keepeth not my words: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s who sent me.” John 14:24

    Jesus Clarifies that the Law is not his, it is God’s only, the Only Law is God’s Law, and there is no such thing as Christs Law as ‘Paul’ Admits he does not follow God’s Law and Makes up this term ‘Christ’s Law’ which Jesus himself denies.

    Pual wrote the Gospel to make it free from the the Law of God as he himself admits he did not follow the Laws of God.

    Therefore Paul was makeing a anti-God gospel and used Christ as a scapegoat, God leaves it up to us to recognize the contradictions between ‘Paul’ and “Jesus”

    We see here that Paul was against the Law;

    “But now we are Delivered form the Law” (Rom 7:6)

    “A man is not justified by works of the Law, but by faith f Jesus Christ” (Gal. 2:16)

    “For as many as are of the works of the Law are Under the Curse” (Gal. 3:10)

    “In that He said “A new covenant He had mand the first Old. now that which Decayeth and waxeht Old is ready to Vanish Away.” (Heb. 8:13)

    What does Jesus say about such a man?

    “Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:19

    ‘Paul’ not only taught men that the commandments are ole, a curse, vanishing, will not deliver, will not justify, etc.., but Also Admits that he himself did not follow the commandments of God but makes up a term called ‘commandments of Christ’ Which There are No Such Thing According to Jesus.

    To summarize, ‘Paul’ made a gospel free from works to convert more gentiles in consicuence contradicting Jesus and upseting Jesus’s disciples;

    “And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise [their] children, neither to walk after the customs.” Acts 21:21

    Do you think any God loveing Jew would tell people to forsake Moses, but ‘Paul’ did as the Disciples were complaining because he wanted to convert Gentiles. Did Jesus preach to Forsake the Laws of Moses Or to Keep the Commandments?

    Paul admits there is confusion and mystery in the Gospel of Jesus and says that he himself will fill in the blanks;

    “And on my behalf, that utterance may be given unto me in opening my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel,” Ephesians 6:19

    Thus he used his status and wealth to spread his gospel.

    ‘Paul’s’ inspiration Does Not comes from divine authority

    If you consider ‘Paul’ a Saint, then why does he Admit that the Spirit of Evil is in his body? Also admiting that he is doing Evil and not incontrol of himslef all while writing his gospel.

    “If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that [it is] good. Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

    “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but [how] to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.”

    “Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.” (Rom 7:16-21

    It suprizes me that Christians would take the words of a man who admits he is evil and does not follow the Laws of God and yet, ignore the Teachings of Jesus who was Sent By God.

    Copyright (c) 1998 Mohamed Ghounem & Abdur Rahman

    1. Amir
      You seem to have studied (or probably copied and pasted in from another site without studying) the writings of Paul. One small correction… Paul was not rich and powerful. He was when he was ‘Saul’, but he left all that behind when he became ‘Paul’. But that is an aside. The question before us is: “Can we learn of the Injil, Taurat & Zabur without going to the writings of Paul?” And the answer is an easy-to-determine and resounding ‘YES’. The writings of Paul are not at all in the Taurat, not in the Zabur. Not even a word. And they are not in the Gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were not written by Paul. Paul wrote personal letters which are included in the New Testament. You want to debate the merits of that. But why debate that when there is so much material that is not Pauline with which to start to gain an understanding of Jesus and the gospel? It seems more like you want to argue rather than learn from the part which we can readily accept. It is like wanting to debate the merits of a certain haddith that some scholars approve and others do not – without even bothering to read the writings that all accept.

  2. Well, dear friends, remember one thing. Paul was visited by a vision of Jesus when he (Paul), as a Jew, was on his way to have more Christians crucified. Such did his faith become in Jesus that he, Paul himself, was prepared to suffer and eventually die to honour prophet Jesus. The Holy Spirit guided him to increase the faith of the believers, who all had different opinions of the true message of prophet Jesus – including the original disciples themselves. Let us not condemn Paul, a man of true faith. A man who submitted to the will of God. Yes, Paul admitted he was sinful. Something we all should do. Jesus Himself died so that sins would be forgiven. That was His mission. The Gospel makes that clear. That is why they crucified Him. They did not believe Him. Paul did.

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